
We conceived of an idea to introduce a community table where letters could be initiated while offering counsel on how to form and fashion a letter as a gift to your recipient.

At Letters Trellis events we provide a writing table, chair, and writing supplies (including pens, paper, envelopes, and postage stamps) to our guests.  As you write, you are centered within a semi-enclosed space, inviting inspiration from the sense of community that surrounds you. 


If you are unable to join us in person at the Letters Trellis tent, we welcome you to use our ideas to get your letter started right now.


Please read some of our feedback:

I love this project!  Everyone acknowledges that everyone loves getting mail, and this project  is fostering letter writing.  If only more people wrote, knowing how much pleasure it brings!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in your writing letters project.  Since I first began having pen pals in the sixth grade I have enjoyed putting pen to paper – daily!  Long may Letters Trellis last!

Thank you for your package of tips about letter writing. I still make an effort for birthdays, and I feel motivated (now) to do more.  Best wishes!

What a marvelous project!  I’ve written to our 3 year old grandson and await his response with the second letter enclosed to him.  Thank you for this creative project.

We offer Letters Trellis as a shelter, real or imagined, in which to spend some moments creating the gift of a letter.  We are excited to encourage this space for your written correspondence and you are welcome to send us a message about your experience.

Karen Fullerton has a passion for letter writing and began development of correspondence classes after her first visit to a letters festival and following many decades of letter composition. Since 2002, she has developed workshops and coursework, bringing the attributes of both facilitator and coach, to guide others in finding words for the letters they write. 

Shukong Ou brings a combined interest in letters, community engagement and experience in social media to promote new ideas.