Penfold Letter Box and Trivia

Stamp and Letter Box Trivia  

As evident  from the following questions, stamps tell a story about our history.   There is significant attention to their selection,and design, beyond the humble role of marking the payment for delivery of our mail.  Since 1957, there has been a Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee that evaluates potential subjects for U.S. postage stamps and gives recommendations to the Postmaster General. The 25-30 new stamp subjects each year are chosen from thousands of letters and petitions from the public. On the Wikipedia site for this subject you can learn the selection guidelines in case you want to recommend a significant historical event or personality in the future.

 In addition to the multiple choice questions about stamps, there are two True or False statements about Penfold Letter Boxes, a distinctly British mail receptacle. 

After the questions below, we provide a response sheet for you to check your responses and share the trivia with others.   Enjoy!

Who were the first two Americans feature on a USA stamp?

Select two responses

Who was the first American woman featured on a US Stamp?

Who was the first African American to appear on a U.S. stamp?

In 1934 the Post Office Department issued a stamp celebrating the mothers of America. Whose mother is pictured on the stamp?

When and where was the first Penny Black postage stamp first used? Select two responses

What country is the only one not required to list its name on postage stamps? 

What country uses the name Helvetia on its stamps?

What is the current cost to send mail in the USA?

True or False? Each Letter Box has a separate key so British postal workers must carry a multitude of keys to enable them to open the boxes to collect the


True or False? London Zoo has a pillar box painted in zebra stripes for visitors to use to make donations to the zoo. 

Trivia Answers:

 True and False Questions:

Thank you to Henry Lukas of the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History in Weston, MA for providing the subjects of our trivia questions.